Thursday, December 21, 2006

Some Snippets

We have had a lot going on! We finally sorted the car to be insured for me as well as Zadok (he is still 24 haha) and last weekend I went driving here for the first time. It was fine, I didn't go at a really busy time but there were a few cars around. It's easier I think cause I am familiar with all the streets.

The big news is that yesterday we signed the contract on our new apartment!!!! We have bought in Dubai... Scary. We have paid about a squillion dirhams for 100sqm..... One bedroom etc etc. I'll try and put a post together soon with the appropriate info! It's in Buisness Bay if you are a Dubai reader and ur interested.

Mum and Dad arrive tonight, should have some different photos for you.


Monday, December 18, 2006

Would you fit into Dubai #1

I thought this would be a bit of fun for those who dont live here...

When driving I use my hazard lights;
a) Rarely, unless I have had to stop in a dangerous location or I have pulled over briefly.
b) Never, people should not need to use hazard lights
c) All the time. Hazard lights should be wired into my breaks so I wouldn't have to worry about putting them on all the time.

You can reply if you'd like.... I'll let you know if you would fit in here!

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

My Nan

I have many excuses for not blogging lately, but the most valid one is this, my family experienced The Sad Demise of my Nan (as they say in Dubai) last week. She has been sick for a long time on and off. We were blessed to have her this long, but it doesnt make it any easier.

Here we are, the 3 generations on the morning of my wedding. We are lucky Nan and Dad are both looking at the camera with their mouths shut. I hope no one is too upset by me putting this here but it seems strange to ignore something so big in my life. So I am thinking of you all back home and wishing I was there. Love Wx.

Friday, December 01, 2006
