Tuesday, December 12, 2006

My Nan

I have many excuses for not blogging lately, but the most valid one is this, my family experienced The Sad Demise of my Nan (as they say in Dubai) last week. She has been sick for a long time on and off. We were blessed to have her this long, but it doesnt make it any easier.

Here we are, the 3 generations on the morning of my wedding. We are lucky Nan and Dad are both looking at the camera with their mouths shut. I hope no one is too upset by me putting this here but it seems strange to ignore something so big in my life. So I am thinking of you all back home and wishing I was there. Love Wx.

3 comments Comments:

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ohhh wendy I am thinking of you. **hugs** love josie

6:57 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love that photo too. The funeral was a celebration of the life of a generous, caring and determined woman who loved her family very much and will be sadly missed. There were many tears but also laughter and a wonderful family time remembering together.
love mum xxx

9:23 AM  
Blogger nzm said...

Nice tribute, Wendy.

If anyone gets upset, tell them to bugger off!

12:00 PM  

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