Thursday, September 07, 2006

Friday-Wear Khaki Day

I know I haven't finished Europe yet but I can't go without mentioning the sad demise of one of the best known Australian personalities, Steve Irwin. I was at school when I heard and I have to say everyone, me included, were shocked.

I found this pic on an Australian news site and thought it rather fitting. So I have my khaki top set aside for Friday (today Aus time).... Being the first day of the weekend I may choose not to dress in 'real clothes' but if I do, I'll be wearing khaki.

I still have photos from Germany, Nederlands and a few more of London to post, I've just been really busy at school this week so I haven't got round to it. When I have finished those I'll start blogging from Australia.

School is going great by the way. My new principal is a dream.... I have a lovely classroom (not yet fully equipped but we'll get there...) and the kids seem mostly good. And I guess it's easy to be upbeat with Ramadan only 2 weeks away! More to follow.....

2 comments Comments:

Anonymous Anonymous said...

It was very sad that Steve Irwin passed away , His contribution to human knowledge is magnificient. But i am of the thinking that it was bound to happen sooner or later, i mean it was predictable that Steve was bound get hurt someday ! i bet some of you might have had this thought or may have said to some one while watching the animal planet ! because i have, i did kinda knew that some day he will be hurt. But its tragic . May be it will be a lesson for all of us to not to manipiulate mother nature beyond its patience.

May God rest Steve in peace

10:36 AM  
Blogger Peceli and Wendy's Blog said...

from Wendy 2
Sad for his wife and little kids too. To be barbed by a stingray is so unusual because they are shy, behign creatures but the ray must have felt oppressed or scared. They are having a large memorial this week at the zoo, but people have to pay to go to it and there are scalpers already, so human animals are rather wild, perhaps more dangerous than other creatures.

7:15 AM  

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