Friday, August 18, 2006

Lake Lucerne: Switzerland

Lake Lucerne is the town we stayed in in Switzerland. We headed here after the Pilatus trip for a traditional Swiss lunch. During lunch we were entertained by swiss horns, cow bells, coins in dishes and musical spoons amoungst other weird methods for making music.

This is the Chappel Bridge that Lucerne is famous for. I have seen a postcard of this hanging on Rach and the Darling's fridge... I think My pic is better! Haha.

All the water here was absolutely clear (and it probably is, you can see why I am having trouble with my tenses...). The houses were once again extremely picturesque.

Here are all the locals sun bathing on top of a restaurant, I guess they dont get the opportunity very often! There was a big hole in the middle where they could get down to the water, you can see them swimming on logs on the right hand side of the pic.

There were so many swans on the lake, I have a feeling they are not native... Just brought here to impress the tourists, it certainly added to the whole scene!

In the evening we walked up this hill and got a gorgeous sunset down over the lake. Our hotel is somewhere down there. The following morning we boarded the bus ready to head for Germany. One last Swiss treat before we left, the Rhine Falls, just inside Switzerland near the border to Germany.

I didn't even know these falls exsisted and they were stunning, so much water all crashing through this small space.

And that was that! Amazing. If you have a chance to go to Switzerland I would suggest you take it, we loved it. I have maybe 3 entries to go now then I am finished with Europe, and I guess I will be starting on Aus!!!

4 comments Comments:

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who the hell is 'the darling'? there is only one of those in you life. All others will be beaten senseless.....

1:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought you told me that picture of you posing at the falls was no good.... now you post it on blog. mmmm, who was right?

5:09 PM  
Blogger Wendy said...

you're always right babe.

2:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Wendy,
Long time, no blog?
I hope you made it back ok and that you have settled back into normal life again.
Hope you and Zadok are well.
Love Josie

8:44 AM  

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