Tuesday, August 15, 2006


The drive to Innsbruck was stunning. Straight trough the mountains, in to a tunnel on one side of a slope and out of the tunnel on the other side of it. Our hotel was really, really nice equipped with a pool (which we all used after dinner) and a gym (which only Zadok felt the need to use). We were right up in the mountains and it was stunning.
In the morning we headed into Innsbruck which was an absolutely stunning little town and another 'favourite' for me.
Here is the Olympic Ski Jump, quite amazing to see this in real life. It's a bit foggy so not a great pic. The winter Olympics have been held in Innsbruck twice.
We had a visit to the Swaroski Crystal Showroom, where 80% of the tour group seemed compelled to buy up big.... Some of the articles were stunning.
Zadok had some time out in Innsbruck, he was a bit fed up. When he came back to me he was all smiles again though. Karen Bee and I spent the day wandering the town, enjoying the street performers and we also climbed the tower in the center of town, giving us these stunning views.
In the second photo below you can see the ski jimp on the right and the hotel we stayed in was on the mountain to the left.
Here I am coming out on to the viewing platform of the tower. It was still hot even though we were right up in the mountains.

Here are Karen and Bee enjoying some Austrian pizza.... We had had quite enough shnitzel by this stage!

Mid afternoon, back on the bus and heading off through the mountains and through Leichtenstein, a brief stop in the capital Vaduz here is Zadok below the castle. Leichtenstein is a tiny principality between Austria and Switzerland.

Then into Switzerland, beautiful Switzerland, you have to wait for that though!

3 comments Comments:

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am beautifu. heheh

9:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

oops....I am supposed to be beautiful...

9:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Wendy,
That dress looks awesome!
I have put some pictures of Bruny on my blog.
It was good to see you, even though I had a very drunk boyfriend making me feel sooo embrassed!! Oh well these things happen I guess. Grr.

6:23 AM  

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