We stopped by this windmill for the perfect photo opportunity. Someone actually lived here and I cant help but wonder how annoying it is to have bus loads of tourists outside your door everyday!
We headed to a cheese and clog factory where one guy makes all the clogs by hand, then had paints them. He assured us they would be the most comfortable shoes we would ever wear, aslong as we bought them too big and wore thick socks.... A bit suspicious!
We headed back to the hotel (which was very nice) in the evening and had a really nice dinner. We had a few quiet drinks and headed off to bed ready for another big day.
The first item on the list was of course the Anne Frank museum located inside the house where she and her family hid during the war. I have read her diary when I was younger and it was amazing to see where it all happened. Then we walked past various monuments recognising the plight of the Jews during the war. In one museum children are educated about the holacaust and then they take a wooden tulips and attach a message, it was quite moving.
This is a sign that informs you that coffee may or may not be available inside, but other things certainly will be. You don't really need a sign I don't think, the smell does the job just as well!
Someone is going to have to help me here, in the afternoon we headed up to a small village about half an hour out of Amsterdam, it starts with a V I think but I cant remember the name.
It was pretty touristy but beautifully cool sitting on the edge of this huge man made lake, which used to be open to the sea.
There were clogs galore for sale here....
This photo waas taken just next to the red light district in Amsterdam. The whole area is quite amazing. I put my camera away before we went any closer, no photos sorry!
We took a cruise around the canals which was absolutely beautiful. Here is a bike park, thousands of bikes all parked like cars, I've no idea how you are meant to find the right one at the end of the day!
There are hundreds of houseboats along the canals and as it was the weekend and warm there were people out everywhere in boats and walking along the canals.
This is a famous photo spot where there are 7 bridges all lined up... Our camera is not the best for this type of shot but you get the idea.
When we got off the boat we were at a floating restaurant where we had a huge dinner. Most people headed back to the hotel but Pete, Zadok, Cory and I stayed in town to do as the Amsterdamians do, well some of them I guess. We arrived back at the hotel sometime after 3am really looking forward to our 6am wake up call.....
On last post to go.... Nearly there!
3 comments Comments:
Hi Wendy!
It's Alexia here. (Hope you remember me!) I'm thinking about working overseas next year. Would you recommend Dubai? How would I find a job over there?
Enjoy your holiday in Tas!
It has a lot of international school listings. It is all above board! So go for it!
Oh Wendy, you brought back so many memories with this post :)
Thank you.
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