Monday, June 04, 2007

Jen's Visit

My very good friend Jen popped over from London for a whirlwind visit last weekend. Jen and i met when I started studying Indonesian in Year 11 and have remained fast friends ever since. She has now left Tasmania behind for a year and is currrently living in London.

Jen arrived on Thursday morning so we had 4 days to see the sight and have delights. Here's what we managed to see! First it was off to Wild Wadi! I finished school a bit early and we zipped off on Thursday afternoon. Now some people I know don't like Wild Wadi, but you have to go in with the right attitude. It's not a massive water park but it's nicely set up and has all these slides that shoot you upwards, which is fun!

This is the Jumeirah Sceirah, which I hate but Jen made me go on it. I still hate it. Hehe. Last time I went with Zadok on the weekend and it was horrendous waiting in line, but Jen and i hardly had to wait at all.

Next we raced off home to get ready for dinner. It was a bit of a Year 2 thing I organised as so many of us had birthdays in May, including ME! Here isd Sheila, Me and Sara (Sara shares my birthday).

Here are the three stooges, that's not a Galloping Rhino I see emerging is it?

We were at the Al Marooj in Pergolas, the buffet there is very good. It was pasta night my favourite! We headed out after and it was a bit of a rowdy night.... Don't think we need too many details! Next on the list... Down by the Creek (if you v=can bear it again!)



Blogger sally said...

Hi Wendy... My name is Sally and I am an Aussie Mum of three (William 7, Giles, 2 and Alice 10months) My husband and I are considering coming to live in dubai for a few years.. I would dearly love to correspond with anyone in Dubai in a similar situation to me. I don't know where to start looking and I came upon you and hoped that you may be able to point me in the right direction. Any help would be greatly appreciated... Sally

8:49 AM  
Blogger sally said...

Hi Wendy... I have just stumbled upon your site and was wandering if you could help me out... I am an Aussie mum of three (seven and a half year old boy, two and a half year old boy and delicious little ten month old girl!!) My husband is an engineer and we are looking at the possibility of coming to Dubai to live for a few years. I would desperately like to correspond with someone who is in a similar situation to me and is living in Dubai as an expat...Any ideas??? I realise that my situation is not the same as yours but....I just thought that I would take a long shot and see !!! my email address is I would adore any information that I could get my hands on!! Thankyou

8:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Wendy,
Well we had fun, but it was only a weekend, and there is much more to see.. We are going back on the 7 July - 8th July. Will you be there then? Maybe we could have a coffee?? Anyway, the powehouse museum.. It's was ok, cheap too,but really woud be best if you have 29 children in tow.. So not that good, but a good time killer.
Love Josie

1:46 PM  

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