Sunday, April 01, 2007


So we have all survived another term arriving in the 'Spring' holidays with just a few bruises and squashed toes. The last day of term is always a half day for us, we finish at 12.30 pm (I do get to school early, 6 hours is not really a half day if you ask me!) The year 2 team headed off to Cactus Cantina for lunch and drinks. In true Dubai tradition all the drinks were free for women for 5 hours, I never can quite understand how they can do that!

This is Sara who works in Year 2 (she doesn't always have a 'come hither' look) and my Lovely new TA Sheila, she is making my life a lot easier! She is very organised and really loves kids.

After we'd been at Cactus Cantina (the food was good by the way, it's an inerestin spot, in Rydges Plaza on the Satwa round about. Worth popping in and they have lots of promotions) we went downstairs to Aussie Legends, which I have to say is just like a dodgy Australian bar.

The only reason I mention it is they were also serving free drinks. I think they were just trying to use uo this awful blue dye someone must have over ordered!

So that was the end of term celebration! Yesterday Zadok and I headed out to have a sticky beak at the Jumeirah Palm, the manmade island jutting out from Dubai's coastline. The JP is the smallest and most developed of 3 palms, Jebel Ali and Deira being the other 2. The Deira Palm, when completed, will be home to 1,000,000 people would you believe, twice the population of Tassie! Anyway we found you can drive out onto the JP now, just the trunk part. The outer fronds are still havin work done on them. There are people living all up the trunk already!

I am sure the apartments on the outside are very pleasant with their sea views. On models we have seen the trunk of the palm looks narrow, but there are 6 lanes on this road and as you can see 2 rows of apartment blocks. All built on artificial island, crazy stuff!

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2 comments Comments:

Anonymous Anonymous said...

those drinks are very blue

3:23 AM  
Blogger Wendy said...

Praise the lord I found a fringe...

5:40 PM  

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