Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Happy (pre) Birthday Zadok!

Zadok's Birthday is not for a few more weeks but due to the upcoming school holidays and the immenent arrival of his parents (well, a week and a half away) he decided to celebrate early. I think he was really just keen to celebrate the fact that he is STILL only 24, at least for another 3 weeks!

We headed out to Barasti Bar (sound familiar?) to enjoy the excellent atmosphere and extremely pleasant evening temperatures we are having.

Muriel and Al gave Zadok this card which gave everyone a good laugh.... It's one of those ones with a badge on the front. If you know Zadok at all you will know exactly how appropriate it is!
I have to get crackin with posting because there are a few intereting things coming up (I hope they are interesting, anyway!)
It's just 2 more morning get ups until my term holidays, end of second term for you southern hemispheareans who get confused.... Of course because of the school year difference not because you are from the SH!
Also means that aside from 2 late night meetings at school this week (yuck) the pressure is off a little and I have a bit more time to blog.

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