Monday, May 28, 2007

An afternoon of leisure

One of my friends and her husband have recently bought a 30ft pleasure boat, and with a few (a lot of?) lessons under their belt they are happily cruising up and down the coast of Dubai.

Last Friday they kindly invited us along to experience their new baby. Here are Julia and Graham in the back of this shot.

Below is the famous Burj Al Arab, and the Jumeirah Beach Hotel. You don't normally get this view of them! We also went right round the Palm Jumeirah which is the most developed, there are hundreds of villas that look like they might be nearlly ready for occupation.

Here we are in the life raft..... Spot the odd one out!

A late lunch and a few glasses of wine were much appreciated after a hard afternoon of boating.... He he.

Zadok was quite green on the way out but picked up once the boat had stopped moving.

A very good time had by all!

This weekend I have had my good friend Jen visiting. She is currently living in London and popped over to visit me. Hopefully she is on the way to the airport as I type. I have a stack of photos, I'll post some of them next. Then I promise I'll post about our apartment's progress and a few of the other many, many projects that are going on here in Dubai. That will take me up to the summer holidays I think, just 5 weeks to go! Zadok and i are both coming back to Australia to catch up with family and friends. Cant wait!


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