Sunday, October 08, 2006

We Are Australians....

So the rest of the photos seem to be just people from back in Tassie, I have hardly any photos of the beautiful scenary to astound you with, just photos of my beautiful friends and family! You've probably seen a lot of these people before, but I am going to put them all on again!

Let's start with the extrodinarily commited blogger-commenters, my good friends Lauren and Bec. Here is the Beautiful Bec enjoying a delicious Chocolate Caramel cheese cake (well just one slice of it, though I wouldn't put it past her, he he he).

We were enjoying one of the best Cafe meals in Launceston at the Konditorei Manfred Cafe, which is where Zadok and I had our reception.

Here I am with the Lucious Lauren, not quite sure why my hair looks red but it's probably a climate thing! I have heard someone say we were also spotted in Charcoal Chicken one day at about 11am, enjoying economy packs but I can assure you it was imposters.

3 comments Comments:

Anonymous Anonymous said...

They were definitely imposters..

7:45 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who are those hot chicks...

12:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hahaha i wouldn't put it past you wendy to eat a whole cheesecake :)

12:37 PM  

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