My Favourite Ibis
I spent quite a bit of time in Hobart (the capital city of Tasmania, way down south). Rach is now living and working there. I took this photo because Mike (my flatmate) said he'd never heard of a Dagwood Dog.
A dagwood dog is a savaloy stuck on a stick and cooked in batter. It's usually dunked in sauce. It's one of those foods that seem like a good idea but it turns out it's not once you have eaten it.
We were at Salamanca which is Hobart's market, famous for it's quality goods nationwide.
After we went into town for some shopping and when we were done, we rested our aching bodies with an aqua massage.
This was very strange but also very good, you lay inside this solarium type machine, there is thick black plastic that covers you and then the water squits onto your back. I guess squirt is not quite the word but you know what I mean!
Rach had to work during the week of course but I entertained myself with other friends and wandering round Hobart. This is a picture of the Tasmen Bridge across the Derwent River. Hobart is a very picturesque city.
This little birdy was quite happy to have his photo taken in the botanical garden.
Here is Rach and I being censored, even though I am not an Australian Resident I had to call up and get a form and fill it in!
2 comments Comments:
Yum Yum, I think I might go down to Slamanca and have a Dagwood Dog for Breakfast, followede by an Aqua Massage to mix it around my stomache!
Don't make me jealous.....
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