Abu Dhabi Island Paradise
Kat's facial expression mirrored mine, but everyting went fine (until we broke down on the way back!)
Here is Anthony guarding all the gear... It did LOOK like it was going to fall off!
It took about an hour to get to the choosen spot. Abu Dhabi itself is on an island and there are heaps of islands all around.
Here is the Dhow, they were used to trade up and down the coast of the Gulf, I believe some still do. Small dhows are used in Dubai as water taxis in the creek.
The water was blissful, we are coming closer to winter and it was just the right temperature. I couldn't help but take every photo with the Dhow in the background.
Here is our little camp site. There were other people down near the trees in the background, but they packed up and left in the evening.
We had a driver, he stayed on the boat all night.
Sunrise! One of the joys of camping is the very early awakening, but this was my reward!
We spent the whole next morning in the water. Rui and Melissa think they might have found paradise.
Early afternoon and it was time to head back to the real world. The boat broke down.... With the owner not far away in his speed boat noone was too concerned it just meant extra time in the sun with plenty to lok at. The Drydocks boys had us going again in less than half an hour and we eventually reached the safety of the sailing club.
What a weekend, bliss, pure bliss.
5 comments Comments:
I've been reading your blog for a while now, but as you may have guessed I've been more of a silent reader :)
Your pictures took me back about 20 years (when I was about 5 years old :); my family and I used to take this very boat out every weekend when we were kids (I believe it belonged to the company where my uncle worked).
I live in Abu Dhabi so I still see this boat almost every week when I go to the beach. I have sooo many memories on this dhow! Thanks for bringing them back!
Hey Wendy,
I love the pictures of the sunset! Such beauty! Today it's a crappy day here, overcast and raining. I have 10 kids today in the whole school cause the rest have gone to the Hobart show to show our sheep or the little ones have gone to swim classes. So I am the acting principal hehe!! :)
That is such a great pic of the sunrise!
Hi wendy!
i was tidying up my internet links and i came across your lovely blog! Well done, you keep updating it regularly and your writing is very amusing!
How are you?? How was your holidays?! From what i read you had a wonderful time... I exchange mails with zadok now and then, i told him to say hi the other day!
I'm now in Japan as you might already know from Z, building some ships for my new greek shipping company. It's so nice here, i'll try to meet up with felipe!
I miss u all guys, hopefuly i'll see u again soon, (i'm travelling alot these days!)
Take care, i look forward to hearing from u,send me your news! My email is chris.tikkos@gmail.com, Z knows it, keep in touch!
PS Say hi to big Z from me!!!
Hi Wendy!
I live in Sweden and I am going to Sharjah nov 28th. One weeks vacation.
Ended up here by googling.
I have not read so much in this blog, by I understand u live in Dubai and were to Abu Dhabi for vacation.
Just wanted to say hi! :)
I will leave my mail just in case:
So long, T.
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