Thursday, September 06, 2007

Back in Dubai

So I am back in Dubai, back at school, the kids start next week.
Zadok has just quit his job after signing with a new company and is counting down the four weeks until he can leave and have 2 weeks leave.
We are stopping with friends at the moment but need to decide where we will live for the next 6 months or more until our apartment is finished.
I have been a very lazy blogger and I blame this 10% on besyness, and about 140% on FACEBOOK... hahaha.
Rach put some pics on hers a while back when we were visiting her in Hobart. You can see them on.... Rach's Ramblings .


3 comments Comments:

Anonymous Anonymous said...

tut tut

8:36 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So I am guessing that you have bought your apartment off the plans? We are in house hunting/looking into the market mode over here.. It's fun and scary!!

1:37 AM  
Blogger LDU said...

Gday, just came across your blog. Seems that you're having heaps of fun in Dubai. I can't wait till i'm done with uni so i can look for a job over there!

3:05 PM  

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