Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Moving big stuff

Here is the hull of the rig Zadok has been working on, for those who are interested. Don't know whose pic it is!!! It's being towed to Norway to be fitted out, it should take 45 days through the Suez Canal.

The Beta hull is still at Drydocks being completed.

I am still in Tasmania being chilled.... Returning in a week!!!!


7 comments Comments:

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Hagrid!

11:21 AM  
Blogger little chicken house said...

I happened upon your blog googling about expats working in Dubai (millions I'm sure!). We live in Melbourne and are thinking seriously of moving to Dubai in Jan/Feb 08. Would love to hear an Aussie's perspective on living there - perhaps you can point me to some useful websites too? We are 30 and have a 1 yr old. Hubby will be working (finance) but I'll be at home with bub.

11:49 AM  
Blogger little chicken house said...

Sorry, my email is tomtom1086@gmail.com

11:50 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

snuffle snuffle

5:21 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

pitter patter

11:19 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yo wendolin

7:47 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

it is I, Lord Voldemort.
i shall make you into a fine steak
mmm.. how delightful, the splendour of such an appetising dish.

12:21 PM  

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