Thursday, January 17, 2008

Only in the Middle East Number 2....

Now I know all of you never read the words and just look at the pictures on my blog so I've broken this bizarre week into 2 to make it less daunting for you.... Hehe. Back into work on Tuesday morning ready for the last 3 days of the week. Overnight something else bizzare has happened, IT'S RAINED! First time in nearly a year. When I say it's rained, it's a bit of an understatement, it had poured and was continuing to pour. I wondered if we would even get the little 307 through the masive puddles. The drainage system in Dubai is not world class. The kids straggled in and the rain continued. Stories of flooding throughout the city were told. Zadok's work closed due to flooding and noone being able to do any work. At about 1 it was announced the SCHOOL WOULD CLOSE the following day, and then at about 10pm the government announced ALL SCHOOLS WOULD CLOSE Wednesday and Thursday and reopen for the new week on Sunday!! Hurrah! Another 2 days off!

Weather cleared early yesterday morning after 100mm of rain in about 24hrs and now the sun is shining, most of the flooding has been attended to and I am enjoying a leisurely 4 day weekend!

Runour has it that more rain is going to fall next week.... We'll have to wait and see!
Photos borrowed from Gulf News

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1 comment Comments:

Anonymous Anonymous said...

ohh lucky you!!
Here we are just about to start the school year again... Over is my lovely holidays!! Jumping into a Grade 5 class and I know I will love it!
We also bought a brand new Mini Cooper S. It's blue with a black roof. Sooo cute. Planning a few road trips now!

4:04 AM  

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