Monday, August 11, 2008

Wendy's Word on the Weather

Here we go Dad! Reporting from Pokhara so it's not an exact wether report but you'll get the picture!

Pokhara: Mix of cloudy and sunny, warm but not awful, maybe mid 20s but just a bit too humid to be really comfortable. Fan in the hotel room makes it very pleasant. Hopefully the sun comes out for a trip to the pool this afternoon. Pokhara is meant to be the wetest part of Nepal and this was proven 2 nights ago with the most rain I have ever seen fall in 1 hour. Ro and I had to wade from the restaurant back to the hotel with our shoes in our hands.

Rampoor/Chitwan: I may live in the desert but at least those people have heard of airconditioning. Temperatures reach the mid 30s at the moment and humidity is high during the day. I have never sweated so much in my life and took to wearing a bandana round my neck when gardening (what is happening to me?!) The electricity cutting out up to 8 times a day does not help with the whole fan situation.

Kathmandu: I thought it was uncomfortable here but now I have been to Chitwan I am not going to complain. High 20s I imagine (I am largely guessing) with moderate humidity some days.

Overall it's probably rained some every second day, it's meant to be nearing the end of the monsson but it's been a 'drought' year so they say. I just recieved this email from Zadok which makes me feel better....
'Was 51 ground tem yesterday in shade with 90% humidity. People working
outside in MIS were allowed to go home if they wished to.'


1 comment Comments:

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks Wend.Continues cold & fairly dry here. Dad.

12:11 PM  

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