Thursday, July 31, 2008

Mossy Forest

Next stop on our little tour was the Mossy Forest. Our knowledgable guide Bob took us into what he called 'the luxury forest' which he said had no spiders, snakes or leaches. Right. Anyhow, despite being ankle deep in mud with totally inappropriate shoes on we enjoyed this bit of a bush bash. The jungle is truly amazing with it's mooshy floor giving the best suspension. It's so thick we kept thinking about all the books we've read about people bashing their way through jungle, it must take hours to go a kilometer and it's so disorintating, and we were on a tourist path!



Blogger Wendy said...

I was missing the luxury forest when leeches were sucking my blood through my socks in the hills of Lalitpur!

4:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OH Wendy,
It sounds like you are having a wonderful time. It's great to explore.
Yeah it is a shame about Edith Creek. But it wasn't the time and now our focus is on exploring Victoria and parts of the world soon.. we are looking into going to Fuji or somewhere similar in January! xoxo

1:30 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Latipur.Lamatar.This is getting confusing.

1:10 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Looks lovely, Wendy. Good to see Zadok smelling the ....roses....or whatever.

What is happening at Edith Creek?

Hope you are enjoying your home stay in Nepal.
love mum XX

1:15 PM  

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