Thursday, March 27, 2008

And another one....

Yesterday morning I was in my classroom chatting with Julia when we heard a MASSIVE boom and the whole (rather large) school shook to it's foundations. Now you can imagine, although we all feel very safe living here there are moments when you think, 'What was that and what's it going to mean to me and all the others that take up the space of my life?'

We dashed outside and saw a huge mushroom cloud hanging about 5 kms frome the school, closely followed by this thick grey smoke. Turns out to be an illegal firecracker factory/paint factory (depending who you believe) and the smoke is toxic. SO we get the kids in and shut all the doors and the AC goes off. An hour later the word comes that the school is shut! All kids to go home! This is the same term as George Bush day, remember? And the 2 days off because of flooding? We wont forget it in a hurry. Last day today.

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