Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Notes on Nepal

Here I am, sitting in a dodgy internet cafe in Kalanki, Kathmandu. I'll give you a bulleted run down on my last few days...
  • 1 calm, quiet flight with no airlines going bust or flights being resheduled.
  • 4 language lessons, taught OLD STYLE .
  • 1 thin hard bed in a dubious state of cleanliness (thankgoodness for my Lulu slepping bag)
  • No coffee since Sunday morning.
  • No Meat for the last 3 days (and none on the horizon as far as I can see).
  • No alcohol for the last 3 days (and none on the horizon as far as I can see).
  • Lots of really friendly, nice people.
  • A lot of good laughs, mostly about the toilet/shower.

Anyway, so everything is going well, we are mostly in the hostel doing the language bit but on Friday we start sightseeing and on Monday we go away to a village and Chitwan National Park. I'm getting used to the meals and the facilities, I just have a feeling it will be worse in the orphanage!



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